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Serving Dinner at St. Vincent de Paul (Ages 7+)

  • 03/25/2025
  • 4:45 PM - 6:30 PM
  • St. Vincent de Paul - Cross Roads Kitchen: 931 West Madison Street, Milwaukee, WI 53204
  • 1



Serving Dinner at St. Vincent DePaul (Ages 7+)


St. Vincent de Paul (SVDP) Meal Program has provided hot and nutritious meals to children and adults in the Milwaukee community for the past 40 years. They operate two meal site locations in downtown Milwaukee where individuals can eat for free six nights a week. 

Join us on Tuesday, March 25th to prepare and serve a meal to those visiting SVDP's Cross Roads Kitchen meal site. Our start time has some flexibility for this project- we could use some families to arrive as early as 3 pm to help set up, but need all families to be onsite by 4:45 pm. We expect to wrap up at 6:30 pm. When you register, you will be asked what time your family is available to arrive that day.

What to expect:

We will begin by preparing the meal and getting ready for the guests to arrive. We will then serve dinner when guests arrive, followed by a quick clean up.

Capacity & age recommendations: 

Ages 7+ are welcome to participate in this project. We have room for about 3-4 SBK families depending on the size of families that register (please use an accurate headcount in your registration for this reason).

What to bring: 

No need to bring anything. Kids are welcome to wear their SBK t-shirts if they would like, otherwise just wear comfortable clothes for working in the kitchen and serving food. 

Project Leader: Mary Fenelon


This project is currently open to members* but we will be happy to open it up to guests if there is available space approximately one week prior to the project date. Please only sign up if you know you can attend. We understand illness and emergencies do come up so if you register and can no longer attend, please let us know ASAP so we can fill your spot. 

A big thanks to our Board Member Mary Fenelon for leading this project, and thank you for lending a little hand! 

Amanda Barnhart

Board President

*While we rely on member donations to keep the good work going, we never want the $40/family/year to be a hurdle to volunteering with us. If you are in need of assistance, we do have a limited number of scholarships available that are 100% confidential, just email and ask! 


PO Box 1854 Brookfield, WI  53008 

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