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Ready to Lend a Little Hand? 

Thank you for your interest in volunteering with Sunbeam Kids! While membership benefits go beyond just in person projects, they are the cornerstone of our work -- we love getting families of all types together to build community, show the kids their collective impact, and give them confidence that they can make a difference by lending a little hand.  

NEW! Our all-volunteer leadership team has been hard at work planning and listing projects here further ahead to give you more notice to save the date. Then, registration typically opens 2-3 weeks prior to a project start date. Most projects are open to SBK Member families first as a benefit of your membership*, and then we open the registration to guests a few days later if space allows. 

*while we rely on the $40/family/year donation to keep the good work going, we never want that to be a hurdle to volunteering with us. If your family would like to request a waiver, we are able to do that no questions asked for a handful of families per year based on a private donation earmarked for that purpose. If that's the reason you haven't joined, please ask! 

Upcoming projects

    • 01/16/2025
    • 4:30 PM - 5:30 PM
    • 620 S. 76th St. Milwaukee (located BEHIND the office building)

    Sorting Clothes for Foster Children at Robyn's Nest


    Robyn's Nest is a program of Children's Hospital (CHW) that supplies new and gently used clothing, hygiene products, infant items, toys, books and other household goods free to the families within the foster care system as well as those identified to have unmet needs through CHW. 

    On Thursday, January 16th from 4:30-5:30 pm SBK families will be lending a little hand at Robyn's Nest to sort donations for foster families. 

    What to expect:

    Families will gather at Robyn's Nest to lend a hand by sorting items so kids & foster families can easily shop (at no cost!) for the supplies they need. 

    Capacity & Age Recommendations:

    All ages are welcome at this project, but please note there are no restrooms readily available on site. We expect to have room for approximately 4-5 families at the on site project. Initial registration will be for members only, but we are happy to open registration to guests if we have additional space one week prior to the project date. 

    What to bring:

    The most needed item at Robyn's Nest right now are toiletry items. You're welcome to bring these along if you wish, but no donations are expected/required for participation.

    What to wear:

    Kids can wear their Sunbeam Kids shirts/lanyards if they want.

    Additional information:

    A volunteer application is required to be completed for each individual attending. We will e-mail a copy to all registrants a few days prior to this project. Please bring the completed application with you to the project. 

    Project Leader: Beth Collins


    This project is open to members* only, but we will be happy to open it up to guests if space allows after the first week of registrations. Please only sign up if you know you can attend. We understand illness and emergencies do come up so if you register and can no longer attend, please let us know ASAP so we can fill your spot. 

    A big thanks to SBK Project Leader Beth for leading this project, and thank you for lending a little hand! 

    Amanda Barnhart

    Board President

    *While we rely on member donations to keep the good work going, we never want the $40/family/year to be a hurdle to volunteering with us. If you are in need of assistance, we do have a limited number of scholarships available that are 100% confidential, just email and ask! 

    • 01/20/2025
    • 4:45 PM - 6:30 PM
    • St. Vincent de Paul - Cross Roads Kitchen: 931 West Madison Street, Milwaukee, WI 53204
    • 0
    Join waitlist

    Serving Dinner at St. Vincent DePaul (Ages 7+)


    St. Vincent de Paul (SVDP) Meal Program has provided hot and nutritious meals to children and adults in the Milwaukee community for the past 40 years. They operate two meal site locations in downtown Milwaukee where individuals can eat for free six nights a week. 

    Join us on Monday, January 20th to prepare and serve a meal to those visiting SVDP's Cross Roads Kitchen meal site. Our start time has some flexibility for this project- we could use some families to arrive as early as 3 pm to help set up, but need all families to be onsite by 4:45 pm. We expect to wrap up at 6:30 pm. When you register, you will be asked what time your family is available to arrive that day.

    What to expect:

    We will begin by preparing the meal and getting ready for the guests to arrive. We will then serve dinner when guests arrive, followed by a quick clean up.

    Capacity & age recommendations: 

    Ages 7+ are welcome to participate in this project. We have room for about 3-4 SBK families depending on the size of families that register (please use an accurate headcount in your registration for this reason).

    What to bring: 

    No need to bring anything. Kids are welcome to wear their SBK t-shirts if they would like, otherwise just wear comfortable clothes for working in the kitchen and serving food. 

    Project Leader: Marlee Jansen


    This project is currently open to members* but we will be happy to open it up to guests if there is available space approximately one week prior to the project date. Please only sign up if you know you can attend. We understand illness and emergencies do come up so if you register and can no longer attend, please let us know ASAP so we can fill your spot. 

    A big thanks to our Project Leader Marlee Jansen for leading this project, and thank you for lending a little hand! 

    Amanda Barnhart

    Board President

    *While we rely on member donations to keep the good work going, we never want the $40/family/year to be a hurdle to volunteering with us. If you are in need of assistance, we do have a limited number of scholarships available that are 100% confidential, just email and ask! 

    • 01/26/2025
    • 1:15 PM - 3:30 PM
    • New Berlin Public Library Community Room - 15105 Library Lane, New Berlin, WI 53151
    • 14

    Kindness Kickoff to 2025 - Call for Youth Leaders (age 8+)


    We're bringing back one of our favorite new projects last year - Kindness Kickoff to 2025! This event will feature several "mini projects" throughout the room that families can travel between, all promoting kindness in many different ways: to others, the Earth, animals, self, etc. In order to make the event a success, we are looking for youth leaders to help lead stations. This is a great way for kids to practice leadership skills in a fun environment with a topic they are excited about!

    The event will take place Sunday, January 26 from 1:30 to 3:30 pm. We're asking for our youth leaders to arrive by 1:15 pm to get their station set up by the time doors open for all. 

    Please note: this registration is only for youth leaders who are interested in learning more about running a station, plus their families. We'll have a separate registration email next week for families interested in attending the event (although save the event date on your calendar now!). We want to get the info out to youth leaders now to take advantage of some having a little more time over winter break to think about what they may be interested helping with, plus then we'll have a few specific mini projects to include in our full event registration description next week.

    What to expect:

    After you register, we'll be in touch shortly to identify a simple project you might like to lead or topic you're interested in. We have a list of ideas you can chose from or we're happy to work with you on an idea you come up with! We'll have options for youth who would like to be paired with a partner or for those comfortable leading on their own. Our goal is make make this a positive experience for all so we'll support the leaders as much as they need to make their station a success. No previous experience is necessary- just a willingness to spread kindness among our SBK families and the greater community!

    Day of, leaders will set up their area and help families complete the mini project while at their station. 

    Capacity & Age Recommendations:

    For this event, we're asking that youth leaders be age 10+. Leaders age 8+ are welcome as well if they have an adult/older sibling willing to help at their station as needed.  

    Due to the large capacity, this project is open to both members* and non-members who would like to try a project with SBK to kick off the new year!

    What to bring:

    Once we determine your specific mini project, we'll work out any supplies needed on site. 

    Additional information:

    This project will be held in the Community Room at New Berlin Public Library. Enter through the Main Entrance and the room is down the hallway to your left. 


    Please only sign up if you know you can attend. We understand illness and emergencies do come up so if you register and can no longer attend, please let us know ASAP so we can fill your spot. 

    Thank you for lending a little hand and looking forward to kicking off 2025 together in a big way!

    Amanda Barnhart

    Board President

    *While we rely on member donations to keep the good work going, we never want the $40/family/year to be a hurdle to volunteering with us. If you are in need of assistance, we do have a limited number of scholarships available that are 100% confidential, just email and ask! 

    • 01/26/2025
    • 1:30 PM - 3:30 PM
    • New Berlin Public Library Community Room - 15105 Library Lane, New Berlin, WI 53151

    Kindness Kickoff to 2025 - Main Event!


    We're bringing back a new favorite event to start off the year strong- Kindness Kickoff to 2024! This event will feature several "mini projects" throughout the room that families can travel between, all promoting kindness in many different ways: to others, the Earth, animals, self, etc. This event will be extra special because it will give our SBK future leaders time to shine since SBK youth will be running ALL the mini project stations!

    The event will take place Sunday, January 26th from 1:30 to 3:30 pm. The event will be open house style so you may come and go anytime in those two hours. 

    Please note: this registration is for all families that would like to attend. If your family registered previously with a youth leader, you do NOT need to register again with this project. If you have a child 8+ that wants to be a youth leader, we still have a few spots left- please register in the separate project sign up HERE by Sunday, 1/12.

    What to expect:

    Our youth leaders will have tables throughout the Community Room with a separate project at each station. Families can move through the projects at their own pace, but we expect each project will take about 5 minutes on average. When you arrive, kids will receive a bingo card to get stamped at each station they visit. Turn in the card when you leave for a prize! 

    Exact mini projects are still being planned by youth leaders, but here are some examples of projects from last year: friendship bracelet making, painting kindness rocks, assembling craft kits for visitors to the Ronald McDonald House, valentines for nursing home residents, fleece dog toy making, designing bookmarks to share, working on a tie blanket we'll donate, and more! 

    Capacity & Age Recommendations:

    This event is open to all ages. Due to the large capacity, this project is open to both members* and non-members who would like to try a project with SBK to kick off the new year! We will have sign ups for approximately 20 families.

    What to bring:

    Feel free to wear your SBK shirt if you have one and bring your lanyard to collect your ribbon if you're a member. 

    No need to bring any additional materials for this event- we'll have all the materials on site to complete the mini projects. 

    Additional information:

    This project will be held in the Community Room at New Berlin Public Library. Enter through the Main Entrance and the room is to down the hallway to your left. 


    Please only sign up if you know you can attend. We understand illness and emergencies do come up so if you register and can no longer attend, please let us know ASAP so we can allow others to fill the spot. 

    Looking forward to kicking off 2025 on a positive note with you, and thank you for lending a little hand! 

    Amanda Barnhart

    Board President

    *While we rely on member donations to keep the good work going, we never want the $40/family/year to be a hurdle to volunteering with us. If you are in need of assistance, we do have a limited number of scholarships available that are 100% confidential, just email and ask! 

    • 02/01/2025
    • 1:30 PM - 3:00 PM
    • Elm Grove Community Room - 13600 Juneau Blvd, Elm Grove, WI (downstairs below the library)
    • 15

    Medical Supply Collection & Packing for Ghana Mission


    Malaria, malnutrition, and water-born diseases are all prevalent in Ghana, Africa. A group of US medical professionals and helpers join International Needs (IN) Ghana’s staff for a week of holding medical clinics. Each day during their trip they set up a makeshift pharmacy in the schools and open the doors for basic medical care. In past years, the team saw over 2,000 men, women, boys and girls at six locations. People walked for miles and waited for hours in hopes of seeing a doctor. For many this would be their first time seeking medical care. We've worked with this group to donate hundreds of pounds of supplies each year -- so let's work together this year to help them reach even more people during their upcoming trip with SBK's medical supply packing event on Saturday, February 1st from 1:30 - 3:00 pm! This medical supply collection and packing event has been an annual favorite since early in SBK's 12 year history.

    What to expect:

    We'll begin with a short intro from Terry Heyward, Director of Strategic Partnerships for International Needs, who will share her experiences with a medical mission team and the people in Ghana. Then SBK families will unpack medical supplies donations brought along by attendees and sort them out to make them easier to transport on the long trip. We'll weigh the suitcases at the end to help put a tangible number to the kids' hard work!  

    Capacity & Age Recommendations:

    This is a big project and we can have up to 15 member* families and guest families attend. All ages are welcome to participate. 

    What to bring:

    In order to make this project a success, we are asking all families who register to commit to bringing items to pack, no matter how big or small.  Bringing supplies to donate helps kids personally connect to the project, knowing the item(s) they brought are helping families all the way in Africa. NOTE:  If you would like to participate but are unable to bring items please let us know via email (confidential) and we will buy supplies on your behalf. We just want to make sure we have enough supplies to pack. Let's see how many suitcases full of supplies we can pack this year! 

    Collection Items Ghana Medical Team January 2025:

    • Lubricating Eye drops (no red out type)

    • Ibuprofen/Advil 200 ‘s and 400’s (large bottles, no capsules)
    • Tums 60ct bottles
    • Non Drowsy Antihistamines (Zyrtec, Claritin- pills only, no liquids)
    • Band-aids (plain)
    • Adult Multi Vitamins (Costco large bottles)
    • Oral rehydration single delivery packets (Pedialyte)
    • Lotion (small travel size)
    • Bar soap (wrapped small travel size)
    • Shampoo (small travel size)
    • Toothbrushes
    • Toothpaste (small travel size)
    • Muscle Rub (like Bengay)
    • Clotrimazole/Miconazole Vaginal Cream
    • Reading glasses (lower strengths)
    • Hydrocortisone Cream (small tubes)
    • Orajel
    • Ace Bandages
    • Gallon size Ziplock bags
    • AA and AAA batteries
    Please bring all items in original, labeled containers. NO liquid medicine, except for the eye drops. All medicine must be available over the counter.

      Donations of school supplies and playground balls to gift to the schools they use for the clinics are also welcome.

      • Flattened rubber playground balls (ie: soccer balls, kickballs, soccer balls, volleyballs)
      • Pencils, colored pencils or sharpie markers (no crayons)

      What to wear:

      Kids can wear their SBK shirts/lanyards if they are willing.

      Unable to attend? If you are unable to attend the project but would like to donate medical supplies, you can shop the Ghana Medical Team's Amazon Wish list HERE

      Additional information:

      This project will be held in the Community Room at Elm Grove Village Hall, located on the lower level (go down the stairs when you enter from the parking lot). 

      Project Leader: Amanda Barnhart


      Please only sign up if you know you can attend. We understand illness and emergencies do come up so if you register and can no longer attend, please let us know ASAP so we can fill your spot and adjust plans to cover project supplies. 

      Looking forward to seeing you at this project, and thank you for lending a little hand! 

      Amanda Barnhart

      Board President

      *While we rely on member donations to keep the good work going, we never want the $40/family/year to be a hurdle to volunteering with us. If you are in need of assistance, we do have a limited number of scholarships available that are 100% confidential, just email and ask! 

    PO Box 1854
    Brookfield, WI  53008

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