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COMING SOON: Street Angels' "Lunches for Later"

  • 04/10/2025
  • 4:30 PM - 6:00 PM
  • Elm Grove Community Room: 13600 Juneau Blvd, Elm Grove 53122


  • This is for families dropping off supplies only (not attending the project day of).
  • This is for families able to attend the project in person.

"Lunches for Later" Bag Lunch Packing


Street Angels is a mobile outreach organization that provides assistance to those experiencing homelessness in Milwaukee. Three days a week, the two outreach buses serve dinner to 100-240 individuals. A bagged "lunch for later" is also provided to each person. On Thursday, April 10th, Sunbeam Kids families will get together in the Community Room at the Elm Grove Village Hall from 4:30-6:00 pm to make sandwiches and pack bagged lunches as a group. 

What to expect:

During this project, Sunbeam Kids will be decorating brown paper bags for the lunches, making sandwiches, and packing approximately 100 bag lunches which will be distributed to individuals experiencing homelessness during the Street Angels' outreach that evening. We will be joined by families from the Elm Grove Junior Guild who will also be packing 100 bagged lunches to get to the grand total of 200 needed by the Street Angels for their evening route. This will be a fun chance to share camaraderie with another group doing good work in our community too! 

Capacity & Age Recommendations:

All ages are welcome at this project, and we are able to include approximately 8 families from Sunbeam Kids. 


We will be meeting in the Community Room. Enter through the library doors and proceed downstairs. The Community Room is located on the lower (basement) level.

What to bring:

In order to make this project a success, we are asking all families who register to commit to bringing items to pack, no matter how big or small.  Bringing supplies to donate helps kids personally connect to the project, knowing the item(s) they brought are helping others. NOTE: If you would like to participate but are unable to bring items, please let us know via email (confidential) and we will buy supplies on your behalf. We just want to make sure we have enough supplies to pack the full amount of lunches needed.

Please use this Sign Up Genius Link to indicate which items you plan to bring by Tuesday, April 8th.

Unable to attend?

If you are unable to attend in person but would still like to contribute some lunch packing supplies, we will have a bin drop off location in Elm Grove though 4/8. Please register with the ticket type “We will drop off lunch packing supplies!”. The drop off address is included in the confirmation e-mail. Use the Sign Up Genius link above and include “bin drop off” in the notes. Please note that anyone attending the project in person is welcome to bring their lunch packing supplies along that day. 

Project Leader: Kayte Parkin


This project is currently open to members* but we will be happy to open it up to guests if space allows. Please only sign up if you know you can attend. We understand illness and emergencies do come up so if you register and can no longer attend, please let us know ASAP so we can fill your spot and make arrangements to have any lunch packing supplies you signed up for covered. 

A big thanks to our Project Leader Kayte for leading this project, and thank you for lending a little hand! 

Amanda Barnhart

Board President

*While we rely on member donations to keep the good work going, we never want the $40/family/year to be a hurdle to volunteering with us. If you are in need of assistance, we do have a limited number of scholarships available that are 100% confidential, just email and ask! 


PO Box 1854 Brookfield, WI  53008 

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