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Ready to Lend a Little Hand? 

Thank you for your interest in volunteering with Sunbeam Kids! While membership benefits go beyond just in person projects, they are the cornerstone of our work -- we love getting families of all types together to build community, show the kids their collective impact, and give them confidence that they can make a difference by lending a little hand.  

NEW! Our all-volunteer leadership team has been hard at work planning and listing projects here further ahead to give you more notice to save the date. Then, registration typically opens 2-3 weeks prior to a project start date. Most projects are open to SBK Member families first as a benefit of your membership*, and then we open the registration to guests a few days later if space allows. 

*while we rely on the $40/family/year donation to keep the good work going, we never want that to be a hurdle to volunteering with us. If your family would like to request a waiver, we are able to do that no questions asked for a handful of families per year based on a private donation earmarked for that purpose. If that's the reason you haven't joined, please ask! 

Upcoming projects

    • 03/03/2025
    • 04/28/2025
    • 11 sessions
    • Altar'd State @ the Corners - 285 High St, Brookfield, WI
    SBK Ambassadors for Mission Mondays at Altar'd State - The Corners of Brookfield


    The clothing store Altar'd State at the Corners of Brookfield supports a different nonprofit every quarter through their Mission Monday program. We were thrilled that they reached out to ask us to be their partner for this fiscal quarter! 

    There are three ways to support this effort:

    1) Shop:  Starting now, 10% of any profits made on Mondays at the Brookfield store will support Sunbeam Kids.  Spring is a time for so many special events, so if you are shopping, please shop on a Monday!

    2) Please tell your friends!  You can share our Instagram and Facebook posts. 

    3) Be a SBK Ambassador: they would like representatives from the organization to be in store on Mondays as much as possible in case people have questions or ideas. What a great opportunity to spread the word about family-friendly volunteering and Sunbeam Kids! 

    Note: The time noted in the signup is 5-7pm is often their busiest time, but they are flexible. We just need to know what time you can be there so we can let them know. 

    What to expect:

    We are looking for experienced members (2+ projects) to hang out next to the table in the store on Monday evenings every week through April to answer any general questions  and engage people if they are interested -- anything specific can be sent to me (Katie) or Amanda.  We'll give you some talk points but this is really just about being a positive presence in the store! 

    You can sign up for as many spots as you'd like. 

    Capacity & Age Recommendations:

    This project is appropriate for all ages - you know what your kiddos can handle in terms of being a SBK Ambassador :)  Ambassador registration is open exclusively to member families because you are familiar with what we do!  

    What to bring:

    Just yourself! We are working on getting some printed materials to hand out to interested people, but there are signs there with a QR code to the website. 

    What to wear:

    If the kids will wear their SBK shirts/lanyards, that's great! 

    Ambassador Coordinator: Katie Mleziva

    REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED so we know who to expect. 

    Please only sign up if you know you can attend. We understand illness and emergencies do come up so if you register and can no longer attend, please let us know ASAP so we can fill your spot. 

    Thank you for lending a little hand! 

    Katie Mleziva

    Founder | Board Vice President

    PS--we're happy to sign off on service hours for schools, clubs, etc! 

    • 03/20/2025
    • 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM
    • The Highlands: 20825 George Hunt Circle, Waukesha, WI 53186

    Intergenerational Project for Operation Gratitude


    Let's get together with some new "grandfriends" to support a good cause together! The Brookfield Highlands is a senior living community located in the Town of Brookfield. They've invited Sunbeam Kids to join the residents for an evening making handmade cards for troops together. The cards will be given to Operation Gratitude, a national organization that provides opportunities for individuals to express gratitude to Military and First Responders through homemade cards, care packages, etc. 

    Join us on Thursday, March 20th from 6:00 pm to 7:00 pm to learn a bit about Operation Gratitude, make some cards together, and spend some time socializing with some of The Highlands' residents in the process! 

    What to expect:

    We will meet in the Community Room at The Highlands where we will hear short intro about what Operation Gratitude is and SBK families will sit at tables with residents. After our intro, we'll get to work making cards together. Cards can be detailed & crafty or creative & filled with love- no artistic skills needed!

    Capacity & Age Recommendations:

    All ages are welcome at this project, and we can bring approximately 15 families. Members* will be able to register for the first week, and then we will open any remaining available spots to guests one week prior to the project.  

    What to bring:

    We'll bring all necessary card-making supplies for this project otherwise. However, if you have a set of crayons/markers/colored pencils you don't mind bringing to share at your table, it will be helpful to have a few sets (you will take them back home after). You are also welcome to bring any stickers or other similar decorating supplies you think may be helpful. The only rule is no glitter!

    What to wear:

    Kids are welcome to wear their SBK shirts if they would like and bring their lanyards if they collect project ribbons. 

    Project leader: Amanda Barnhart


    This project is open to members* for the first week of registration, and we're happy to welcome guests if we have additional space in the week leading up to the projectPlease only sign up if you know you can attend. We understand illness and emergencies do come up so if you register and can no longer attend, please let us know ASAP so we can fill your spot. 

    Thanks for lending a little hand! 

    Amanda Barnhart

    Board President

    *While we rely on member donations to keep the good work going, we never want the $40/family/year to be a hurdle to volunteering with us. If you are in need of assistance, we do have a limited number of scholarships available that are 100% confidential, just email and ask! 

    • 03/22/2025
    • 10:30 AM - 11:30 AM
    • Wauwatosa Library - Firefly Room: 7635 W. North Ave, Wauwatosa 53213

    Spring Decoration Making for Kathy's House


    Kathy’s House is a hospital guest house committed to providing affordable lodging and caring support in a “home away from home” environment for families who need to travel to Milwaukee for medical care.  Located on the campus of the Milwaukee Regional Medical Center, there are 38 guest rooms for patients and families of patients to have a place to stay while receiving medical treatment in the greater Milwaukee area.

    Join Sunbeam Kids on Saturday, March 22nd from 10:30-11:30 am at the Wauwatosa Library to make fall themed decorations for Kathy's House. 

    What to expect:

    One way to make Kathy’s House feel homier is to have homemade decorations for the doors of all guest rooms. In this project, we will meet at the Wauwatosa Library to make spring and Easter decorations for the doors.

    Capacity & Age Recommendations:

    All ages are welcome and we have open capacity for this project.

    What to bring:

    No need to bring any supplies- just some creativity! Kids can wear their Sunbeam Kids shirts and bring their name tag lanyards to collect a ribbon.


    This project is currently open to members* but we will be happy to open it up to guests if space allows after the first week of registration. Please only sign up if you know you can attend. We understand illness and emergencies do come up so if you register and can no longer attend, please let us know ASAP so we can fill your spot and make arrangements to have any lunch packing supplies you signed up for covered. 

    A big thanks to our Board member Kristen Donlevy for leading this project, and thank you for lending a little hand! 

    Amanda Barnhart

    Board President

    *While we rely on member donations to keep the good work going, we never want the $40/family/year to be a hurdle to volunteering with us. If you are in need of assistance, we do have a limited number of scholarships available that are 100% confidential, just email and ask! 

    • 03/25/2025
    • 4:45 PM - 6:30 PM
    • St. Vincent de Paul - Cross Roads Kitchen: 931 West Madison Street, Milwaukee, WI 53204
    • 1

    Serving Dinner at St. Vincent DePaul (Ages 7+)


    St. Vincent de Paul (SVDP) Meal Program has provided hot and nutritious meals to children and adults in the Milwaukee community for the past 40 years. They operate two meal site locations in downtown Milwaukee where individuals can eat for free six nights a week. 

    Join us on Tuesday, March 25th to prepare and serve a meal to those visiting SVDP's Cross Roads Kitchen meal site. Our start time has some flexibility for this project- we could use some families to arrive as early as 3 pm to help set up, but need all families to be onsite by 4:45 pm. We expect to wrap up at 6:30 pm. When you register, you will be asked what time your family is available to arrive that day.

    What to expect:

    We will begin by preparing the meal and getting ready for the guests to arrive. We will then serve dinner when guests arrive, followed by a quick clean up.

    Capacity & age recommendations: 

    Ages 7+ are welcome to participate in this project. We have room for about 3-4 SBK families depending on the size of families that register (please use an accurate headcount in your registration for this reason).

    What to bring: 

    No need to bring anything. Kids are welcome to wear their SBK t-shirts if they would like, otherwise just wear comfortable clothes for working in the kitchen and serving food. 

    Project Leader: Mary Fenelon


    This project is currently open to members* but we will be happy to open it up to guests if there is available space approximately one week prior to the project date. Please only sign up if you know you can attend. We understand illness and emergencies do come up so if you register and can no longer attend, please let us know ASAP so we can fill your spot. 

    A big thanks to our Board Member Mary Fenelon for leading this project, and thank you for lending a little hand! 

    Amanda Barnhart

    Board President

    *While we rely on member donations to keep the good work going, we never want the $40/family/year to be a hurdle to volunteering with us. If you are in need of assistance, we do have a limited number of scholarships available that are 100% confidential, just email and ask! 

    • 03/29/2025
    • 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
    • Brookfield Public Library - 1900 N. Calhoun Rd, Brookfield, WI 53005
    • 20

    Snack Bag Making for Milwaukee Rescue Mission


    Please join us from 11:00 am - 12:00 pm on Saturday, March 29th to pack snack bags that will be given to women and children staying at Joy House, Milwaukee Rescue Mission's women and family shelter. 

    Milwaukee Rescue Mission (MRM) began in 1983 and offers practical services to Milwaukee's homeless population such as meals, shelter, and clothing. MRM also offers additional support programming such as job training, addiction counseling, education, and much more. Joy House is specifically open to women and children who arrive for both emergency and long-term support. 

    What to expect:

    We'll start with a brief explanation of the Milwaukee Rescue Mission/Joy House and how we're supporting their work, then we’ll get to work on the snack bags. The first half hour will be spent decorating the bags and then we'll pack them assembly line style with the remainder of our time. We are hoping to pack at least 50 kits, but we'll make as many as we have supplies for! 

    Capacity & Age Recommendations:

    All ages are welcome and we have for about 15 families at this project.

    Additional information:

    This project will be held in the Community Room at the Brookfield Public Library, the room is immediately to your right as you enter the library from the parking lot.

    What to bring:

    In order to make this project a success, we are asking all families who register to commit to bringing items to pack, no matter how big or small. Bringing supplies to donate helps kids personally connect to the project, knowing the item(s) they brought are helping other families. NOTE:  If you would like to participate but are unable to bring items, please let us know via email (confidential) and we will buy supplies on your behalf. We just want to make sure we have enough supplies to pack.

    Please use this Sign Up Genius link to note what supplies and quantity you’ll be bringing in an effort to provide some variety. 

    Project Leader: Holly Twito


    This project is currently open to members* but we will be happy to open it up to guests if there is available space approximately one week prior to the project date. Please only sign up if you know you can attend. We understand illness and emergencies do come up so if you register and can no longer attend, please let us know ASAP so we can fill your spot. 

    Thank you for lending a little hand! 

    Amanda Barnhart

    Board President

    *While we rely on member donations to keep the good work going, we never want the $40/family/year to be a hurdle to volunteering with us. If you are in need of assistance, we do have a limited number of scholarships available that are 100% confidential, just email and ask! 

    • 04/05/2025
    • 1:30 PM - 3:30 PM
    • Hartland North School Forest: 232 Church Street, Hartland, WI 53029
    • 20

    Woods Clean Up at the Hartland 

    North School Forest


    The Hartland North School Forest (aka the Marschalek Woods) is a 4 acre space used by the community and the 4k-2nd grade school. Every class in the school has outdoor ed once a month in the woods where kids learn about birding, seed dispersal, maple syruping, building igloos, planting native plants, removing invasive species, and about all the insects and animals that live there (among other things). The woods boasts an outdoor classroom, a mud kitchen, a musical forest, a loose parts lab for play as well as areas designated for growing native species. In the summer the woods hosts a weekly story hike for community members geared towards young children.

    Please join us from 1:30-3:30 pm on Saturday, April 5th to help with a woods clean up in honor of Earth Day coming up. 

    What to expect:

    We'll meet Courtney Marschalek who teaches outdoor education classes as well as leads the weekly community story hike. She will give us a brief intro to the forest and then put us to work. Exact jobs will be determined based on what is most needed at the time of our visit, but examples may include helping mulch the trails and pulling buckthorn. 

    Capacity & Age Recommendations:

    All ages are welcome and we have open capacity for this project. Members will be able to register for the first week and then we'll open registration to guest families if space remains one week prior to the project date.

    Where to park:

    Park in the Hartland North School lower parking lot (at the dead end of Church Street near the baseball field). Look for the school forest sign at the edge of the woods near the parking lot. Go straight down the trail next to the Marschalek Woods sign and we'll meet in the outdoor classroom. 

    What to wear:

    Wear clothes and shoes that can get dirty and are comfortable to work in the forest. Feel free to bring along gardening gloves if you have some. 


    This project is currently open to members* but we will be happy to open it up to guests if there is available space approximately one week prior to the project date. Please only sign up if you know you can attend. We understand illness and emergencies do come up so if you register and can no longer attend, please let us know ASAP so we can fill your spot. 

    Thank you for lending a little hand! 

    Amanda Barnhart

    Board President

    *While we rely on member donations to keep the good work going, we never want the $40/family/year to be a hurdle to volunteering with us. If you are in need of assistance, we do have a limited number of scholarships available that are 100% confidential, just email and ask! 

    • 04/09/2025
    • 5:30 PM - 7:00 PM
    • *NEW LOCATION ALERT!* 4900 S Pennsylvania Ave, Suite 200, Cudahy WI 53110

    Diaper Duty Calls! Packing Orders at Milwaukee Diaper Mission


    Did you know... A third of families in Milwaukee struggle to afford enough diapers to keep their baby clean, dry, and healthy. Although 68% of families with children in Milwaukee qualify for low-income status, no state or federal government assistance programs (like SNAP and WIC) supply these families with diapers. That is why Sunbeam Kids is thrilled to be partnering with Milwaukee Diaper Mission to spend time packing diaper, baby wipes, and period product orders in MDM's NEW warehouse on Wednesday, April 9th from 5:30 to 7:00 pm!

    What to expect:

    Join other SBK families at the Milwaukee Diaper Mission warehouse in Cudahy to pack diaper orders, wrap diapers for future orders, and restock diapers on shelves.

    MDM also has a program to provide period products to individuals in need. When you register, you will be asked if your family is comfortable packing these types of items if needed during our visit. We know families/kids are ready for these discussions at different ages so feel free to select "no" if you would prefer to not have your family pack these kits and we'll make sure to split into two groups as needed. 

    Capacity & Age Recommendations:

    All ages are welcome. We have space for approximately 4-5 families depending on the size of families that register - please use an accurate headcount in your registration for this reason. 

    What to wear & bring:

    No need to bring anything to this project, but kids should wear their SBK shirts/lanyards if they are willing. Please dress appropriately as it can be chilly. Closed toe shoes are required since this project takes place in a warehouse. 


    If you've participated in this project before, please note the new address. This will be our first project at Milwaukee Diaper Mission's new Cudahy location. 

    Project Leader: Rachl Sweet


    This project is open to members* only at this time. We are happy to open any remaining spots to guests if space allows approximately one week prior to the project date. Please only sign up if you know you can attend. We understand illness and emergencies do come up so if you register and can no longer attend, please let us know ASAP so we can fill your spot. 

    A big thanks to our Project Leader Rachl for leading this project, and thank you for lending a little hand! 

    Amanda Barnhart

    Board President

    *While we rely on member donations to keep the good work going, we never want the $40/family/year to be a hurdle to volunteering with us. If you are in need of assistance, we do have a limited number of scholarships available that are 100% confidential, just email and ask!

    • 04/10/2025
    • 4:30 PM - 6:00 PM
    • Elm Grove Community Room: 13600 Juneau Blvd, Elm Grove 53122

    "Lunches for Later" Bag Lunch Packing


    Street Angels is a mobile outreach organization that provides assistance to those experiencing homelessness in Milwaukee. Three days a week, the two outreach buses serve dinner to 100-240 individuals. A bagged "lunch for later" is also provided to each person. On Thursday, April 10th, Sunbeam Kids families will get together in the Community Room at the Elm Grove Village Hall from 4:30-6:00 pm to make sandwiches and pack bagged lunches as a group. 

    What to expect:

    During this project, Sunbeam Kids will be decorating brown paper bags for the lunches, making sandwiches, and packing approximately 100 bag lunches which will be distributed to individuals experiencing homelessness during the Street Angels' outreach that evening. We will be joined by families from the Elm Grove Junior Guild who will also be packing 100 bagged lunches to get to the grand total of 200 needed by the Street Angels for their evening route. This will be a fun chance to share camaraderie with another group doing good work in our community too! 

    Capacity & Age Recommendations:

    All ages are welcome at this project, and we are able to include approximately 8 families from Sunbeam Kids. 


    We will be meeting in the Community Room. Enter through the library doors and proceed downstairs. The Community Room is located on the lower (basement) level.

    What to bring:

    In order to make this project a success, we are asking all families who register to commit to bringing items to pack, no matter how big or small.  Bringing supplies to donate helps kids personally connect to the project, knowing the item(s) they brought are helping others. NOTE: If you would like to participate but are unable to bring items, please let us know via email (confidential) and we will buy supplies on your behalf. We just want to make sure we have enough supplies to pack the full amount of lunches needed.

    Please use this Sign Up Genius Link to indicate which items you plan to bring by Tuesday, April 8th.

    Unable to attend?

    If you are unable to attend in person but would still like to contribute some lunch packing supplies, we will have a bin drop off location in Elm Grove though 4/8. Please register with the ticket type “We will drop off lunch packing supplies!”. The drop off address is included in the confirmation e-mail. Use the Sign Up Genius link above and include “bin drop off” in the notes. Please note that anyone attending the project in person is welcome to bring their lunch packing supplies along that day. 

    Project Leader: Kayte Parkin


    This project is currently open to members* but we will be happy to open it up to guests if space allows. Please only sign up if you know you can attend. We understand illness and emergencies do come up so if you register and can no longer attend, please let us know ASAP so we can fill your spot and make arrangements to have any lunch packing supplies you signed up for covered. 

    A big thanks to our Project Leader Kayte for leading this project, and thank you for lending a little hand! 

    Amanda Barnhart

    Board President

    *While we rely on member donations to keep the good work going, we never want the $40/family/year to be a hurdle to volunteering with us. If you are in need of assistance, we do have a limited number of scholarships available that are 100% confidential, just email and ask! 

    • 04/26/2025
    • 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM
    • Wauwatosa Public Library — Firefly Room (7635 W North Ave, Wauwatosa, WI 53213)

    Making Weighted Stuffed Animals for Friends at the SE WI Autism Society


    Join the fun and help transform new or very gently used stuffed animals into weighted stuffed animals for kids and teens with sensory needs! Autism United of Wisconsin (formerly Southeast Wisconsin Autism Society) will use the weighted stuffed animals as raffle prizes, gifts, and prizes for individuals with Autism. We will be getting together Saturday, April 26th from 10:00 am - 11:30 am at the Wauwatosa Public Library Firefly Room to make these weighted stuffed animals.

    Autism United of WI has been serving our communities for almost 50 years. Its mission is to improve the quality of life for each child, teen and adult on the Autism Spectrum as well as their families. Weighted stuffed animals, weighing between 1 to 5 lbs, offer multiple benefits, including stress reduction, improved sleep, muscle pain relief, assistance with sensory processing disorders, and positive effects on ADHD and Autism. 

    What to expect:

    Volunteers will be turning regular stuffed animals into weighted stuffed animals by carefully opening a seam, filling the stuffed animal with weighted material, and resewing. No experience needed- we're happy to instruct everyone as we go! 

    Capacity & Age Recommendations:

    This project is appropriate for all ages. Registration will first be open to member families* and then we will open it up to guests if space allows. We expect to have room for approximately 5 families. 

    What to bring:

    If you have a new or very gently used stuffed animal(s) you can donate, please bring one along (we will have a few extras to share if needed). We do ask that all stuffed animals are of average size. The stuffed animal would need to be able to sit in the lap of a child while they are at their school desk. We will have some stuffed animals available but encourage everyone to pick an animal their kid would love to receive in a hope to provide a variety of options so the students can hopefully find one they can connect with. SBK will provide all other materials needed. 

    What to wear:

    Kids can wear their SBK shirts/lanyards if they are willing.

    Additional information:

    This project will be held in the Firefly Room which is located on the first floor of the Wauwatosa Public Library. 

    Project leader: Kristen Donlevy


    Please only sign up if you know you can attend. We understand illness and emergencies do come up so if you register and can no longer attend, please let us know ASAP so we can fill your spot. 

    A big thanks to our Board Member Kristen for leading this project, and thank you for lending a little hand! 

    Amanda Barnhart

    Board President

    *While we rely on member donations to keep the good work going, we never want the $40/family/year to be a hurdle to volunteering with us. If you are in need of assistance, we do have a limited number of scholarships available that are 100% confidential, just email and ask! 

PO Box 1854
Brookfield, WI  53008

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